
Our website adress is:

This website was made as a study assignment for the module Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2 (STEM2) of the educational programme Toegepaste Psychologie of Hogeschool Saixion ( The subject of this website must be connected to e-health, defined by the programme as the use of technology to improve health, well-being and health services. Explaination about the subject of the website and the exersises are based on scientific understanding. The visitor behavior on this website is being analysed with Python to examine whether the website is used with the intended behavior.


When visitors leave reactions on this site, we store the data shown in the reaction form, the IP-adress of the visitor and the browser user agent to help detect spam. An anonimised string, based on your e-mailadress, could be sent to the Gravator service in case your use this service. The privacy statement page of the Gravatar service can be found here: After your reaction has been approved, your pofile picture will be publicly visible in the context of your reaction.

Contact form

Personal data is recorded while filling in the contact form on this website. This concerns your name and e-mail adress. Your message can contain personal data as well. The personal data is stored, for a maximum of half a year, in the e-mail inbox to be able to approach you back and to provide service.


Some cookies are included by WordPress by use of this website:

  • When leaving a reaction on our site, you can specify whether your name, e-mail adress and site may be saved in a cookie. This is done for your convenience so that you don’t need to fill in the same information again when leaving a new reaction. These cookies are valid for a year.
  • When visiting the login page, we save a temporary cookie to see whether your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal information and is deleted when you close your browser.
  • When you login, several cookies are saved in relation to your login information and your screen display settings. Login cookies are valid for 2 days and cookies for screen display settings are valid for 1 year. If you select “Remember me”, your login information will be saved for 2 weeks. When you log out, your login cookies will be deleted.
  • When you edit or publish a message, an additional cookie will be saved by your browser. This cookie contains no personal data and only saves the post ID of the article you edited. This cookie is valid for a day.

Additionally, there are cookies included from the cookie consent form:

  • View_cookie_policy: This cookie is included by de GDPR Cookie Consent plug-in en is sued to save whether the user consents to the use of cookies. It saves no peronal information. This cookie is saved for 12 months.
  • Cookielawinfo_checkbox_necessary: This cookie is included by the plug-in GDPR Cookie Consent. These cookies are used to save the user consent for cookies in the category “Necessary”. This cookie is saved for 12 months.
  • Cookielawinfo_checkbox_functional: This cookie is included by the plug-in GDPR Cookie Consent. These cookies are used to save the user consent for cookies in the category “Functional”. This cookie is saved for 11 months.
  • Cookielawinfo_checkbox_performance: This cookie is included by the plug-in GDPR Cookie Consent. These cookies are used to save the user consent for cookies in the category “Performance”. This cookie is saved for 12 months.
  • Cookielawinfo_checkbox_analytics: This cookie is included by the plug-in GDPR Cookie Consent. These cookies are used to save the user consent for cookies in the category “Analytics”. This cookie is saved for 12 months.
  • Cookielawinfo_checkbox_others: This cookie is included by the plug-in GDPR Cookie Consent. These cookies are used to save the user consent for cookies in the category “Others”. This cookie is saved for 12 months.

Other cookies:

  • cookieyes-consent: This cookie in included to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store any personal information about the site visitors. This cookie is saved for 12 months.
  • CONSENT: YouTube sets this cookie via embedded YouTube videos and registers anonymous statistical data. This cookie is saved for 24 months.
  • YSC: Youtube sets this cookie to track the views of embedded videos on Youtube pages.
  • VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE: YouTube sets this cookie to measure bandwidth, determining whether the user gets the new or old player interface. This cookie is saved for 6 months.
  • yt-remote-device-id: YouTube sets this cookie to store the user’s video preferences using embedded YouTube videos.
  • yt-remote-connected-devices: YouTube sets this cookie to store the user’s video preferences using embedded YouTube videos.
  • yt.innertube::nextId: YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
  • yt.innertube::requests: YouTube sets this cookie to register a unique ID to store data on what videos from YouTube the user has seen.
  • VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA: This cookie stores privacy data. It is saved for 6 months.


This website makes use of an analytics plug-in, NewStatPress, to collect and analyse data. The privacy policy of NewStatPress can be found here:

The analytics data that are collected are:

  • Date of visit
  • Time of visit
  • IP-adress
  • Requested URL
  • Browser user agent
  • Page you came from (referrer)
  • Search
  • Country of origin
  • Used operating systeem
  • Browser
  • Optional search engine that led you to the website
  • Spider
  • Feed

These analytics data are anonymous and can’t be tracked to you as a person. The data is used to determine whether the website is used in the desired way. This way, we can imporve this website.

Next to NewStatPress, our webhosting account also collects anonymous login data. The privacy policy of our webhoster can be found here: (This page is in the Dutch language.)

Embedded content

Pages on this website can contain embedded content (for example: videos, images, etc.) Embedded content of another website behaves like the visitor had visitor has visited this other website. These websites can collect data, use cookies, inclose tracking from third parties and monitor your interaction with the embedded content, including when you are logged in to that website.

How long we keep your data

When you leave a reaction, the reaction and its metadata will be permanently saved. This way we can recognise and approve follow-up reactions automatically. Data collected by the contact form is saved for 6 months. Statistics collected by NewStatPress is saved for a year.

Who we share your information with

Data will possibly be sent to our webhost: STRATO. Their privacy policy can be found here: (The webpage is in the Dutch language). This webhost saves data in the European Union. This way your data will be protected by the European data protection law.

Your data reaction will possibly be checked by an automated spamdetection service.

This website was made as a study assignment for the module Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2 (STEM2) of the educational programme Toegepaste Psychologie of Hogeschool Saixion ( Your analytics data will possibly, although edited, be shared with the teacher of the module that will mark this assignment.

What rights you have over your data

When you have left a reaction on this website you can, at any time, request an exportfile of the personal data we have from you, including all data your gave us. You can also, at any time, request that we delete all personal data we have from you. This, however, does not include mandatory data we have to save in relation to adminastrative, legal or security purposes.

Analytics data collected by NewStatPress cannot be deleted upon request. However, this data will be deleted after 1 year. You can request to not be monitored anymore. For this your will have to share your IP-adress.

How we protect your data

Your interaction with this webstite is being protected by an SSL-certificate. Data we collect through your reactions, the contact form or analytics are being carefully handled and saved. Data is not being shared with any other person, with the exeption of the people making this website and and the teacher that will mark this assignment.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form.