Welcome to the Zoning-in-Zone, a place on the internet where you can reconnect with the world (ironically). A place for maladaptive daydreamers and other daydreamers alike. This website was made to give daydreamers handy tools to gain more control over their daydreaming. By doing one, or two, of the exercises below, you can enjoy daily life more. Secondly, it helps to gain control over your daydreaming behaviour.

The exercises are easy and short. It only takes a few minutes every day!

johnhain (2016). Meditatie zitten vipassana yoga [Illustration]. Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/nl/illustrations/meditatie-zitten-vipassana-yoga-1837347/
johnhain (2016). Dankbaarheid dankbaar gebed [Illustration]. Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/nl/illustrations/dankbaarheid-dankbaar-gebed-1251137/

What can you find on this website?

If you want to learn more about daydreaming, and specifically maladaptive daydreaming, be sure to check out the info page on the Zoning-in-Zone website. Furthermore you can find blogs on this website about all sorts of stuff having to do with daydreaming and zoning in. Want to lessen your urge to daydream? Check out the following exercises above.

Have you ever felt like you find it hard to pay attention to the real world, and that you would rather daydream/zone out than put effort into the world around you? Don’t worry. You are not alone. Understandably, it can be quite hard to focus on work and friends when you feel the need to rather zone out and daydream. Luckily there are ways to lessen the the need to zone out and make the real world a bit more appetizing.

Trauma psychologist Eli Somer created the term maladaptive daydream in 2002 and has since, among others, done a lot of research about daydreaming. His youtube channel Somerclinic is a great place to find information about daydreaming. https://www.youtube.com/@SomerClinic

Documentary maker Thomas Willem Renckens has made great a documentary telling the stories of people with maladaptive daydreaming. If you are interested, feel free to give it a watch.

Somerclinic. (2023, january 16th). The Daydreamers [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xmCpUcacp8&t=1232s

About the webiste creator: Amber is a college student with a history of maladaptive daydreaming. Over time, they have gained more confidence and appreciation for life and are proud to say they have a healthier relationship with the real world. They have noticed there are many website with information and personal stories about maladaptive daydreaming. Something they missed was a website that helps maladaptive daydreamers find their connection back to the real world. Because of this, they have created the Zoning-in-Zone to give maladaptive daydreamers tools to help them take a next step towards a healthy connection to the real world.

If you want to ask the creator a question or give them feedback on the website, don’t be shy to send them a message using the contact form.